Is society speaking loud trying to change the image of the single mother in the minds of single men? I have heard it loud, mostly in men, saying, "Never marry a woman who already has a child or children! It will never work!" Joseph's picture of women was different then the men of his time. No doubt he wanted a woman who loved God and who was a virgin. His picture wasn't to start a family with just anyone. Joseph certainly heard the stories of women having babies out of wedlock. He possibly heard the stories of women wanting to divorce their husbands for bad treatment. He heard the stories of men divorcing themselves from their wives for both legitimate and ridiculous reasons!
Joseph wasn't a stepfather and he wasn't a adoptive father! I would like to coin a new name for today's men going into marriage with a single mother! They are "covenant fathers". When a "Covenant Father" is in pursuit of a marriage partner, or in today's cases, stirring, he must remember to keep himself in the right frame of mind. He can't be captivated by the picture of the woman's beauty that he neglect's the weightier matters of the heart and character. He should not take advantage of her God-given need for intimacy. Joseph, as a covenant father's, pursuit was for more than a beauty and a virgin. He wanted someone with a reputation with God and a reputation with man.
Covenant father how do you picture the woman you're married to or you're considering marrying? You may have pictured her like your mom cooking and taking care of the family. Joseph never thought about falling in love with someone who had the addition of a child or children. It was not something in his plans but God had plans and asked Joseph would he change his plans and embrace his divine plans.
It is your choice single man! Like Joseph you will face additions you did not consider. Heaven is looking for men who are willing to alter their plans! If you wish to marry a woman who is already with child, there must be some changes. God may be asking you to protect and unconditionally love the woman and her child. The addition to Mary was a child to save all humanity forever! What good will this woman of God and her child bring to society and what part do you envision playing!
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